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Height 5 ft 4.5 in
Weight 126 lbs
Hair Medium Brown
Eyes Dark Brown (blue contacts)

Creative Philosophy *
Personal Statement

I'm in the business of entertaining, because I wish to fulfill my creative energies, and because I feel I have a lot to offer the entertainment world.

I've decided to dive into several aspects of the entertainment business. I enjoy writing, singing, acting, and broadcasting. I do not wish to be categorized as only being able to do one thing, like so many people are. I am good at all of the above.

Many people, including myself at times, may think there is no need for another "entertainer" in the world. Realistically speaking, there is a greater need for people in the medical, educational, technical, labor, and financial industries to name a few, but I feel that if someone has such an overwhelming passion (if their spirit calls them to follow a particular vocation) to do work in a particular field, even if there is no "economic" demand to speak of, then that person needs to follow his or her heart or that person will serve no use to society, simply because he/she will always be questioning what he/she could have done. This is not to say that everyone should quit their day/night jobs just because they don't feel fulfilled, but if the passion inside of someone's soul is eating that person alive, then that person NEEDS to set out a path to follow his/her dreams before their creativity and spirit is snuffed out. This is the conclusion I have come to believe.

For those who do not work in an artistic flexible field - in other words the 9 to 5 labor force - it is my strong belief that we should give our labor force enough free time to pursue other jobs and interests as well as traveling and learning new cultures. I feel a person should have the option of pursuing more than one career track. In my opinion, being able to pursue different interests/careers keeps a person's creativity and zest for life alive. Working five days a week with only two weeks vacation at the same job, day in and day out, with only retirement to look forward to, is, in my opinion, unhealthy. As a child, most of us had more free time - we had more breaks in which we could explore the creative side of our natures, but once people enter the conformist/capitalistic workforce it is nearly impossible for us to explore anymore, and this chips away at a person's spirit.

Why don't more employers set up a work schedule in which employees work the same amount of hours, but organize those hours into three or three and a half days of the week, instead of "trapping them five days a week." I feel that more could get accomplished if we allowed ourselves to work extra hard on our concentrated work-days, while having more days off to ourselves. It also saves on traffic congestion, pollution, wear and tear on the body, and money spent on wardrobe. The economy would not collapse! Many more people would feel happier. They could enjoy life more, and then on the days that they had to work, they would possibly enjoy going to work more because it wouldn't be such a daily grind. And of course, most importantly, I feel that with the extra time people would have to "reenergize" and "think," the more they could offer to their jobs. Employees minds would be freed up to analyze new and creative ideas that may be of use in the workplace. Of course we would only hope their authority figures would give them the creative leeway, within reason, to execute these ideas ­ ideas which could possibly be beneficial to our entire civilization, and not just to a limited number of those in power.

In the independent projects I am working on, I will express the philosophies I believe. Perhaps some day I will go into politics ­ not for the glory, but to make a difference. In my opinion entertainers, who create their own material can be good politicians, because if you are true to your craft, then you can truly feel the pathos of your constituents, and sympathize on a universal level rather than having a narrow outlook on issues.

I choose to sing and write about topics that people are "thinking" about but are too afraid to discuss openly, for fear society will look down upon them. People should not act out every fetish they - that would make the world chaotic which is not the goal. The goal is expression without fear. We need to try understanding one another's personal needs ­ not agreeing with everyone mind you, but simply making the effort to understand.

That is all I wish to say for now. But for now, I would hope that you enjoy, respect, emphasize, laugh, cry, and of course be "entertained" by my creations. I hope they will make you think. Thank you.

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Unique Monique